Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Currently 11.25.14

Currently: I am sitting under the covies with a little buddy beside me.  He has been a little congested, has a little cough and is a little snuggle-love.  I have a sleeping Lulu curled up at my feet snoring. 

Currently Watching: Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, the Thank You Day episode courtesy of PBS.  I like this episode {and really almost every episode of Daniel Tiger} because it teaches gratitude for big and small things.  The song is "Thank you for everything you do!"  Daniel Tiger is without a doubt Winston's favorite show.  We sing the songs, dance to the opening credits {"Dance with me, Mommy!  Dance!"} and giggle when Prince Wednesday says "Booshy booshy boo!"  
Currently Thankful For: The season that is upon us.  I just love the start of November and all that comes along with it - celebrating Thanksgiving, preparing for and celebrating Christmas, remembering all that this year has held and looking forward to the New Year.  We were able to spend last weekend away at the Gaylord Texan and it was a wonderful way to kick off this season of festivities.

Currently Thinking About Next Things: We are going to bundle up and venture out to Michael's to get the remaining supplies for some upcoming crafts.  I am also gearing up for a nap time of ironing!  This evening we will also be moving furniture around in our bedroom to prepare for flooring updates.  I am super excited!

Currently Trying to Decide: On what cookies to take to a cookie exchange I have coming up.  I have a few ideas but haven't settled on anything yet.  Do you have any suggestions?  What is your favorite cookie to make at Christmas time?

Currently Eyeing: The fabulous garland that The House That Lars built created for her parents.  It's on the Let's Talk About This When You Get Home Tonight List!  

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