Monday, January 12, 2015

Meal Planning in Reverse.1

I made a meal plan for our family last week and stuck to it fairly well - minus the evening that McDonald's was calling our name!  Benjamin and I agreed that taking the time to make a plan helps us to eat better and gives leftovers for him to eat during the week for lunch.  

I'm going to try something new this week and see how it goes!  Instead of sharing what we are going to eat for the week ahead, I am going to share the meals we made for the previous week and let you know what we thought about any new dishes we tried!  I like to use Pinterest as a resource for new recipes but I also like to know a) if people actually make this stuff and 2) how it really turned out!  

Pei Wei
{Winston loves him some fried rice!}

Seasoned chicken, fettuccine alfredo {from Trader Joe's}, and broccoli
{If you have a Trader Joe's nearby and you like fettuccine, I highly recommend theirs!  It is quick and scrumptious!}

Dr. Pepper Pulled Pork, baked potatoes, corn and rolls
{This was the first time to make this Pinterest recipe and to be honest, I'd give it about a 2 out of 5 stars.  As I expected the flavor was on the sweeter side, but it wasn't outstandingly fabulous.  We ate ours on King Hawaiian rolls with swiss cheese and pickles.  I'm glad I tried it but it won't be a repeat meal.}


Benjamin: Taquitos and Cheese Dip
Sara: Boss Burger at Zelko Bistro

Homemade Quesadillas and Yellow Rice

Cereal and toast


  1. I really like pulled pork sandwiches but have never tried the Dr. Pepper version--I've always just used plaid old barbecue sauce, it works for me!

    1. I will have to do that the next time!! Do you have a favorite barbecue sauce that you use?


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