Friday, February 27, 2015

Five on Friday: 2.27

{one} I downloaded Party Girl onto my Kindle on Monday.  By Wednesday afternoon I had read that entire book, stalked Rachel Hollis' website, downloaded and finished The Party Girl's First Date.  To say I enjoyed this book would be an understatement!  If you enjoy girly novels written in a clever, clean and classy style, this book is for you!  Both of the books are easy, engaging reads in which I found myself wanting to meet Landon and her friends for lunch!  Rachel has also written another book in this series called Sweet Girl that releases in May.  I may or may not have pre-ordered this book.... Okay, you got me!  I did pre-order the book!  I could go on and on about how much I like this author and these books, but I'll refrain and tell you again to get them for yourself!
{two} This week our downstairs was taken over with friends and their sweet kiddos.  A total of sixteen bodies gathered together in a cacophony of fun, toys and noise.  I loved every minute of it!!  The Mommas came in with blank canvases and left with worn out kiddos and pieces of artwork.  Winston and I had a fun time hosting our friends for the morning.  And we created our springtime canvas for the kitchen!  
{three} Little Bug's school encouraged all of the kiddos to wear their best western outfit in celebration of Go Texan Day!  Since Winston had grown out of his cowboy boots, Thomas was the footwear of choice for visiting the animals that came to the school for a visit.  The kids did a great job brushing and chasing around goats, sheep, a donkey and a tiny pig!  Winston loved brushing the pig.  I used this fact as leverage to convince Benjamin we need a teacup pig but.... he wasn't having any of it!  
{four} I wore my Skinny Shirt for the first time this week and fell in love with it!  If you are a fan of the collared shirt under the sweater look, you should probably take a look at investing in one of these shirts.  They will change your life.  
{five} I ordered Winston Little Praise Party: Taste and See for his Easter basket.  Well, it arrived this week and I just couldn't keep it until then.  I mean, Easter is still over a month away!!  I popped the DVD into the laptop while I was cooking dinner.  Winston was immediately captivated by the colorful music videos and catchy tunes of the songs.  He was bee-boppin' and clapping his hands along to the music.  Have you heard of Yancy, not Nancy?  I highly recommend checking her out.  Her songs are perfect for kiddos of any age {big and small!} with catchy songs that will have them singing Scripture and wonderful truths of God!  Plus, they are great songs to have suck in your head!  

This weekend one of the major roads out of our development is closed so we are going to have to get creative on how to get here and there!  What are you doing?  Any big plans or no plans?  :)  Wishing you a wonderful weekend whatever you are getting up to!

Linking up today with 5 on Friday: DarciAprilChristina + Natasha | Oh Hey, Friday: September Farm + The Farmer's Wife



  1. Those books sound like something I would enjoy reading! I'll have to put them on my list of things to check out once I finish my master's in April :)

  2. LOVE your red glasses! And love the idea of an art playdate. That sounds like fun for everyone :)

  3. I’ve never even heard of that book! I will have to check it out. She sounds like my kind of author. I’m excited now. Nothing better to do on this snowy day than cuddle up with a good book! Love your canvas and that you all got together and did that. How fun! And the Go Texas Day sounds like a blast! You totally rock the glasses and the collared shirt under the sweater look! I dig it! I think the weather will have this part of Texas shut down for the weekend. Not sure we will do much!

  4. Those books look like fun reads! I really don't know where I can find time in my day to read...?

    Do you know if they have those Little Praise Party DVD's on Amazon? I love them!

  5. I have never heard of the Party Girl books, but they sound like my style. I will definitely be checking them out. Thanks for sharing!

  6. A Skinny Shirt?? That is BRILLIANT. I'll have to check that out! Thanks for the tip. :)

  7. I will check this out and I loved the "you are my sunshine"..fantastic

  8. I have been looking for some new (easy) books - I will have to check these out! I love the canvas painting party!! We are having a little play date/dinner party on Saturday night, and I have been thinking of something for the kids to do - I may have to borrow this idea. ;)

  9. Love your funky and cute style! :) Thanks for telling us about Little Praise Party - gonna look into it for Miss M.

  10. Your outfit is super cute! I love the black and white with the red glasses. Such a perfect pop of color! It looks like you had a great week!


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