Friday, March 27, 2015

Five on Friday: 3.27.14

one \\ So this happened on Tuesday.  And I love it!!  It's probably a smidge more pink that I would have initially wanted but I am pleased with it!  I have been wanting to do a wild color for a long while now.  The last time I got my hair colored I did it a bold red.  I figured since Spring is here, a fun springy color was on the docket!  
two \\ I joined the band wagon and read Big Little Lies last week.  I can see why people really like it and Liane Moriarty!  It was a delicious balance of comedy and suspense.  A creative way of character development and story line progression.  I enjoyed reading it and have just started Three Wishes.  Four chapters in and I am already engrossed!  
three \\ We have had quite a few days that actually feel like spring!  One afternoon this week Winston decided that Elmo need a bath with the hose.  And so, Elmo got soaked.  Lulu was in heaven because she loves anything to do with water!  Somewhere along the way Winston said, "I squirt you, Mommy!" and then my pants were drenched.  We all ended up dripping wet, as should happen when it's a beautiful sunny day and the hose is out!!  Don't turn the hose on if you're not prepared to get wet! 

four \\ I posted a few videos that caught my attention this week!  

five \\ I am looking forward to this weekend because (a) it's the weekend (b) we have some fun things planned including our first trip to the Rice Village Flea Market and (c) our sweet niece's dedication!  And hanging out with these cuties always makes a weekend wonderful!

Can you believe that Easter is just a little over a week away?!  Do you have any family traditions for this holiday?  I need to get some eggs so that we can have fun dying them!

Whatever you are up to this weekend, I hope that you are able to take a couple minutes for your self to either read, craft or have a dance break!  

Linking up today with 5 on Friday: DarciAprilChristina + Natasha | Oh Hey, Friday: September Farm + The Farmer's Wife



  1. Hey girl! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love your blog! I'll be following you for sure! Your hair is adorable! I love it! I can't believe it's almost Easter, either! Whoa...wasn't it just Christmas!? I have nothing ready...seriously...nothing! EEK! That Easter Bunny is really slacking this year at my house! LOL! Anywho, thanks again for stopping by! :) :) -Marie :)

  2. I am loving your hair! It looks so good on you! I loved Little Big Lies and will have to check out three wishes. Great pictures!!

  3. This is so beautiful. :-** Lovely. ;)


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