Thursday, April 30, 2015

Houston Art Car Parade 2015

The Houston Art Car Parade is one of those quirky things that happens every year in Houston.  It's been going on for 28 years!  This year we made it downtown, claimed a great piece of parade watching real estate and cheered on over 250 cars and their drivers.  Winston loved seeing the parade and repeatedly exclaimed, "Look at that one!" each time a new car came into view.  Even though at the start of the week the forecast was a ninety percent chance of rain, the weather turned out to be perfect for sitting outside enjoying art on wheels and the company of sweet friends!
This guy's tail feathers moved up and down as it drove along the parade route!
 This car was called the Peep Jeep!  It had thousands of Peeps all over it!  
This is just a smattering of the creativity that we saw that day.  We look forward to next year Houston Art Car Parade!!  


  1. How fun is this? Mason would have loved this parade. I can't wait to show him these pictures!!

  2. This is an amazing parade! Loved all the pictures of these cute cars and your adorable family:)


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