Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Show and Tell Tuesday: Names!

I am really enjoying these prompts from Andrea of Momfessionals!  Today's topic is Names: How did you or your kiddos get their names.  Without further ado, here we go: 

When my Mom and Dad were dating, Fleetwood Mac was in the middle of their mainstream success. They had cranked out hits like "Rhiannon", "Landslide", "Gypsy" and "Go Your Own Way."  They both remember listening to the radio when "Sara" came on.  It was one of my Dad's favorite songs.  He looked at my Mom and said, "If I ever have a little girl someday I will name her Sara."  And ta-da!  Here I am!

Sara, You're the poet in my heart.  
Never change.  Never Stop.  
But now it's gone.  
It doesn't matter what for.  
But when you build your home, call me home.


Benjamin's parents had the name David picked out for their little boy.  However, a cousin born before Benjamin was given the name David and instead of having two Davids running around the family, Brian and Nancy looked for a new name.  With the help of a baby book, they discovered they both liked the name Benjamin!  

When we discovered that we were having a boy, we announced it to our family and close friends before sharing it to the rest of the world.  We already had a first name rolling around in our heads and needed a middle name.  It all came together the same day we found out that he was a he!  When we announced him to the world, I shared the story of how Winston Ace got his name!

Our sweet puppy girl!  We first saw Lulu on the screens of our laptops.  She was adorable with her dapple and mixed blue eyes.  I had a two names picked out: Peppy {just because I thought it was cute!} and Lulu {after my favorite purse designer}.  Benjamin said that we would know what to name her as soon as we saw her.  We drove to Nocana, TX and met our little girl.  She was so calm, cuddly, and precious that the name Lulu was the one that stuck!  She curled right up into our arms was content.  She was our very own Lulu Belle!

What about you?  How did you get your name?  Any funny or sweet stories?  I'd love to hear!!  


  1. Fun that you got your name through Fleetwood Mac!
    I know a girl whose name is Rhiannon--and she married a boy with the last name Annin!
    Winston's name is so perfect! :)

  2. I love all of these stories on how you got your names!! My parents were Fleetwood Mac fans, too!


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