Sunday, January 2, 2011

Baylor Bears Bowl...'ed Over

One of our Christmas treats from Benjamin's parents was tickets to the Texas Bowl to see Baylor play against Illinois with the family.  We arrived early despite the downpour of rain that took over the city that day.

Our spirits were high with excitement and anticipation of cheering on the Bear to a victory!  I said that we were excited and needed to get our Bear paws out to which Samantha corrected me in saying that we needed to get our our Bear claws!  Cue family photos with bear claws:

The series of pictures above could also be set as a slideshow to Lady Gaga's song, Show Me Your Teeth...which is very fitting for a dentist's family.

Being there two three former BUGWB members I felt compelled to take photos of the formations (yes, be impressed with my band lingo!) on the field.

Then the game started.  And then it didn't really go very well at all for the Bears....  Here is Samantha telling you how many points the Bears had scored.

Although the Bears did not win - we still enjoyed the experience of seeing them in a bowl game.  We took cool pictures and took home a sweet souvenir glass.  We were able to see Leslie and Michael from Vintage.  For us, it was a fun outing with family.  Thanks MIL and FIL!

Until next year.... we know (think) you can do it again Bears!


  1. Looks like ya'll had a good time despite the score. I lucked out and didn't have to go. I went down to Houston with Matt, but I got to spend time with my best friend from college instead!!

  2. That's so great that you got to hang with your friend! A better time than watching them get slaughtered!


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