Monday, January 3, 2011

My new friend Warby Parker

I was curled up reading my ReadyMade magazine this December when the pages told me about Warby Parker.  Have you met Warby Parker?  No?  Well, let me have the pleasure of introducing you!

Warby Parker is a company that makes boutique eyeglasses sold at reasonable prices.  They offer many different styles for both men and women.  What struck me to be awesometown about this company is that they are partnered with an organization called  For every pair of glasses purchased, Warby Parker donates a pair in order to give the gift of vision to someone who can't see.  Glasses have been donated to Africa, Latin America, South Asia and here, in the good U.S. of A.

The other nifty thing about this company is that they let you choose up to 5 sets of frames to try on for free so that you can see what you look like in them.  That's right - FREE!  You have 5 days to keep 'em, try 'em, wear 'em around and get friends and family to give their opinion.  After 5 days, you take the box back to the UPS store and ship them back for free.

Thirdly, the price of their frames + prescription lenses is only $95.  Yes, you are reading that correctly... $95!

After meeting Warby Parker and their fantastic styles, mission and prices, my interest was piqued and I wanted to try them on.  So I ordered 5 pair of frames to arrive at our house.  Have I mentioned that they send them for free?  When we arrived back from Houston, they were on our doorstep.

Hello Warby!  Nice to meet you!  I can't wait to see what goodies you have inside!
Yes!  I think I will take you out to get a better look...
Hello Friends!

Don't you just LOVE those orange ones?!  They were the ones I was most excited about trying on.  Benjamin said that I should get you, dear readerfriend to give your opinion on what pair suit me best.    

Start the eye-fashion show!  Note:  The lenses are more reflective than what they will be with a prescription.
My mom thinks these look like the glasses I have now.
I am not sure why this picture looks like I have two green fangs growing out of my bottom lip.... please focus on the orange.
Clear braces are a bad choice for anyone...but could clear glasses be a winner?
Dad told me that I looked like Willy Potter.  He is the lesser known of the Potter boys.  You might have heard of his brother... Harry.
Purple is the color of my high school.  

These 5-day friends are already on their way back to their home and I have my yearly eye appointment on Wednesday afternoon.  I look forward to hearing what your thoughts are!


  1. My vote is for #1 or #5.

    I so glad that Ben is proud of me for flossing my teeth!! It's such a task for me. I just hate doing it.

    And I thought I should mention that the word verication word I had to type was gaginize. Seriously?? Is that a real word??

  2. Mr. Warby is like Mr. Tom, but with glasses instead of shoes! Very cool! :)

    I would vote #1 or #5 as well. Although the orange ones are very "Sara" :) Cute cute!

  3. Adrienne and I vote for #1 & #5 as well. The green fangs were just too distracting on the orange pair! Just kidding, they all looked really cool. We were thinking "Where's Waldo" on the Willy Potter frames...but maybe that was the combo of the black frames and striped shirt!
    Jeremy and Adrienne

  4. I love the purple! Maybe I'm biased since its my favorite color :) The orange are whimsical too and fit you well.

  5. Thanks for your comments everyone! I appreciate the feedback!


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