Friday, February 18, 2011

Garlic Red Potatoes

I think red potatoes are so cute!  I actually grew up calling them "new potatoes."  I'm not sure why....maybe it's because they are small, round and red like a new baby?...


I picked a bag of them up at Target on a whim and decided I find a new recipe to try out for dinner.  I found one that sounded pretty tasty and would compliment the rest of our dinner.

So without further ado - fabulously tasty Garlic Red Potatoes!

Start with the red potatoes - as many as you think you will eat!  Wash the potatoes.
To cut down on the baking time after preparation, parboil the potatoes for 15-20 minutes.
While your potatoes are boiling, preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
After your potatoes are done, cut into bit sized chunks and put them in your cooking dish.
Next melt 1/2 cup of butter in a bowl.
Add 2-4 teaspoons of garlic salt, 1 teaspoon of salt, and lemon juice.  I didn't have any in the kitchen at the time, so I used lime juice.  I just gave it a few good shakes in the bowl.  Pour the mixture over the potatoes and stir.
Next add grated Parmesan cheese.  As much as you like.  We love cheese.
Then bake for 30 minutes.
I know all of the flavors above sound like it would be awkward tasting, however they all complimented each other well and turned out delish!

For a printable recipe, click here!


1 comment:

  1. They are sometimes called new potatoes - it's not just you. :
    ) Also, if you want to save even more time microwave the potatoes before baking instead of boiling. Just be sure to wet them down a bit and poke some holes in them with a fork.


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