Friday, February 4, 2011

Super Bowl Ready?

Earlier this week, despite the treacherous weather we experienced here in Dallas, Benjamin and I drove down to Cowboys Stadium to be volunteers for Gatorade at Media Day!  We set up the media boxes with Gatorade products and walked through the crowds handing out bottles of Gatorade.  The whole day was an neat experience - we were able to stand on the Steeler's side line, see all of the players from both teams and drink all the Gatorade we could!

I get these crazy eyes every time I get overly excited...  case in point...see photo below.  And, no, I don't mean Cookie Monster's Eyes.
 Yes, just chilling on the sidelines.  Ya know, just a day in the life of the the Cozads!
 Hanging out in front of the entrance where the players will come out.
While the media was interviewing the Greenbay Packers, Benjamin spied Harrison and Farrior from the Steelers encroaching on their turf.
And now for photos of the players that Benjamin was able to take!  We were literally feet from the players and were able to hear all of the interviews.

 Team Photo
Benjamin was able to meet and speak with Sepulveda for a few minutes.  Since he also went to Baylor, it was Benjamin's goal to get a picture with him.

We had a fantastic day at the stadium and it was a true privilege to be a volunteer to help out.  Thanks to Jeremy for telling us about the opportunity.  Should you like to see more photos from our day, please click here.

And a special shout out to BlueBarry who, with the help of Jesus and Benjamin's slow driving, got us to and from our destination on an icy day!
Can't wait until Sunday - bring on the Super Bowl!!

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