Thursday, April 21, 2011

Pre-Friday Give-a-way!

Today is Thursday.  
The day that comes after Wednesday and the day that is right before Friday.  
There is just something about Thursdays that always seemed kinda sad.  It's the one day that keeps you from exclaiming TGIF and really getting stoked about the weekend.  

I prefer to call Thursdays, Pre-Friday.
It just sounds better.
It puts people in a good mood. 
It makes them smile.

So, because it's Pre-Friday and because you need something to smile about...
Because I think everyone should read a Karen Kingsbury series...

I am giving away the entire Firstborn Series by Karen Kingsbury!
That's right, not one or two...but all 5 books in the series!

Here's how you can enter... 
You will have three chances to win, so be sure to enter 3 separate comments

1. Follow my blog and leave a comment saying that you do!
You have to be a follower of our blog through Google Friend Connect or "like" us on facebook by clicking here.  You must be a follower of one of those two places in order to win!  Tell me where you follow!
2. Leave a comment telling me if you where you are in the sibling line up.  Are you first born? Only child?  One of 12?
3. Tell others about this give-a-way either on your facebook or through your blog.
Once you have told others, let me know where by leaving a comment!

The give-a-way will end Friday, April 29th and the winner will be announced on Saturday, April 30th.

Please note: Karen Kingsbury does not know who I am or that I love her books.  My mom however does and she supplied the books for this give-a-way.  Thanks Mom!  


  1. Hey heyyy! I follow your blog! (Can I still win even though I'm in Bulgaria?!) I'll be back in July! :)

  2. As you know, I am the middle child of three! :)

  3. Complicated question - for my Dad, I'm the 3rd born, but for my Mom, I'm the 1st and only. I think of myself as an only child even though i have step and half siblings since they mostly didn't live with me.


Comments are so fun! I love reading them all and respond to each one by email!