Friday, May 27, 2011

Hooray Friday! + Give-a-way

Whew!  Am I glad that this week is winding down or what...  We have been in serious go, go, go mode around the house this week.  See, we are getting the entire house re-carpeted which means everything on the floor up to 4 feet has to vamoose.  It's been quite an emotional week... Tuesday was my day to be out of sorts and Wednesday was Benjamin's day.  
I am happy to report that I am currently sitting on our couch in the middle of a very empty living room waiting for the installers to show up.  Our spare bedroom is void of anything that is ours except for the bed.  Everything has been packed.  Benjamin's study has been completely dismantled.  His desk is now in our very full of boxes garage and the futon will soon be finding a new home.  Our lime green bathroom is now the same beige as the entry and hallways and you would never know that a Nintendo controller graced the wall in the study.
Benjamin kept reminding me as the lime green-ness of our bathroom was being covered up by blah-iege that we were simply taking our personality with us.  

We are both looking forward to a long weekend of doing nothing but relaxing and enjoying down time with friends!  

And to leave on a happy note - a fun, fun give-a-way!

I like Cambria Cove.  No, really.  I like them on facebook and I like them in real life.  They are a great company and good people.  And they sell cute things!  One of the cute things that I think is super nifty is their Ultimate Boxed Card Set.  You may know that I love note cards as well, so how perfect is this fabulous embossed box full of cards for every occasion?!
The top opens up to reveal 8 labeled tabs: Baby, Birthday, Congratulations, Get Well, Friendship, Sympathy, Thank You, Wedding/Anniversary.  In each tab there are 4 decadently decorated cards with envelopes.  There is also a small drawer that contains gift tags and is large enough to hold pens.  
I love mine and think you should have one too!
Here's how you can enter... 
You will have three chances to win, so be sure to enter 3 separate comments

1. Follow my blog and leave a comment saying that you do!
You have to be a follower of our blog through Google Friend Connect or "like" us on facebook by clicking here.  You must be a follower of one of those two places in order to win!  Tell me where you follow!
2. Leave a comment telling me if you could go anywhere this summer, where would you go? 
3. Tell others about this give-a-way either on your facebook or through your blog.
Once you have told others, let me know where by leaving a comment!

The give-a-way will end Friday, June 3rd and the winner will be announced Saturday, June 4th!

Please Note:  I do love Cambria Cove and have had the honor of calling them friends.  This give-a-way is sponsored by me because I think that they are awesome and wanted to show to support and love!


  1. If I could go anywhere this summer, it would be some where tropical, like in the Caribbean, because we have been living through one of the worst winters in Michigan (high of 63 degrees today and it is almost June!) and I am ready to be somewhere warm! :) I follow your blog here and on Facebook and have listed your giveaway on our personal blog. Good luck with the packing and moving--we know how much it is not fun!

  2. If I could go anywhere this summer, it would be Barcelona. I miss the tapas and sangria...and Gaudi :)

  3. I follow you and Ben via google reader (i know awful) and facebook :)

  4. I also shared the giveaway and your page on Facebook

  5. If i could go anywhere this summer it would be to Banff Canada. It's gorgeous, and getting away from 100+ temeratures sounds like a great way to beat the TX heat!

  6. If I could go anywhere this summer, I would have to choose to go on the Mediterranean cruise that we had originally planned on taking before Naomi and job loss re-vamped our lives. It was supposed to start in Barcelona (where our last Med cruise finished) and end in Lisbon with lots of vineyards and wine sipping along the way. Ahhhh...someday!

  7. I can't narrow it down. I have a niece due in June and a nephew due in August. I want to go see them!


Comments are so fun! I love reading them all and respond to each one by email!