Friday, July 1, 2011

Two Weeks

The past two weeks have been quite a whirlwind for Benjamin and I.  He started treating patients in Houston while I stayed in Allen and continued packing.  To say I packed every waking moment of the day would be stretching it.  My time was broken up by visiting with sweet friends for lunches and dinners.  Benjamin came up for his last weekend of living in Allen and then back to Houston.  I was able to witness my dear friend James get married on a Monday and then drove to Houston on Tuesday for my brother and Salem's wedding festivities!  The entire week was amazing!  Visiting with family and celebrating their new marriage was a blast.  I'm sure that once the routine of life gets back to normal, I'll document the happenings!

Now I am sitting in a mostly empty room with boxes everywhere.  Today the movers come to haul our stuff to Pearland.  Today is July 1st.  The first day of a new month.  The first day of a new season of our adventure.  Ecclesiastes tells me that there is a season for everything under the sun.  That I cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.  And I'm thankful for that.  I'm thankful that I can rest in knowing and believing that He is directing our path.

As one of my new favorite songs says, "It's not the end of everything, just the end of everything you know."  And to some extent moving is like that - it's the end of the day to day that you know and have grown to be comfortable in.  Grown to love.  The new day to day will start off like a new pair of shoes that need to be broken in - that will eventually become a favorite.

The next two weeks we will be getting settled in Pearland.  Benjamin will continue to be in full swing of residency.  We will be without internet connection in our house.  For two weeks.  I think that the Starbucks baristas and I will become close!  I will start the job search and help Lulu get acclimated to her new home.

Here's to the next two weeks and a new adventure!


  1. Best wishes, friends. Check out the Pearland Coffee Roasters - they sell really good coffee for a lower price than Starbucks, and they put pictures in your foam.

    Love y'all!

  2. Praying for you guys as you start a new adventure!! I'm so glad you have a blog so we can stay connected!!


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