Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Party

Benjamin and I have never been a couple to go over the top for Halloween, however this year with our commitment to host events for the ortho department and my excitement of the costume I had found for us we threw ourselves into hosting a Halloween shindig!

A few weeks before Halloween, I turned our dining room table into a painting studio as I crafted our costumes.  After hours, I was proud of the way they turned out!
 We were Nerds!!
My side was the exact verbiage on the back of a box and Benjamin's back was the nutritional facts.  And yes, Benjamin is wearing tights and his hair is purple.  No, I did not have to coerce him into this either.  I can't take complete credit for the idea.  We did see it on pinterest.  Just love that site.

Here are the cast of characters that graced our home:
Part of the party was a pumpkin carving competition.  We covered our back yard in drop cloths and set up the work lights.  One couple even came armed with a dremel and canned air!
Thanks to everyone who came out and contributed to the fun times!!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I am in love with your super cute party themes from the decor to the food! I also love the mustaches:) They crack me up. You guys are too cute and I love love love your Halloween costumes for this year! What a cute party:)


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