Sunday, January 8, 2012

Unwrap a Give-A-Way!

Something nifty that I got for Christmas this year was this ring.
I have worn it almost every day since receiving it.  It's fun, funky and it's like wearing a piece of art on your finger!  Not to mention it has been a great conversation starter with strangers at stores and with co-workers before meetings.  
And it's Kate Spade. 
I love Kate Spade.

Do you love Kate Spade?  
If you love Kate Spade, then I have got something for you - 

A chance to win your very own Curly Ribbon Ring!  
Here's how to do it:
You will have five chances to win, so be sure to enter 5 separate comments

1. Follow my blog and leave a comment saying that you do!
You have to be a follower of our blog through Google Friend Connect or "like" us on facebook by clicking here.  You must be a follower of one of those two places in order to win!  Tell me where you follow!  Double entries if you follow both!
2. Leave a comment telling me what your favorite wintertime accessory is.
3. Tell others about this give-a-way either on your facebook or through your blog.  
Once you have told others, let me know where by leaving a comment!  Double entries if you do both!

The give a way will close at midnight CST on Friday, January 13th with the winner announced on January 14th!
This give-a-way is sponsored by The Crazy Cozads.  Unfortunately, Kate Spade does not know who I am...although I am totally up for being her friend.  :)  


  1. What a super cute ring! I too love that it is funky and a cute little accessory! Well I do follow your blog and love it! My favorite wintertime accessory is the scarf. While I do not have too many of them, I do love the little touch of color you can add to your outfit and also that it is totally useful when it's cold:) Anyway what a cute giveaway:)

  2. I follow your blog, and LOVE the Kate Spade ring!

  3. My favorite wintertime accessory is definitely scarves. I love the punch of color, the different variations and how snuggly they make you feel :)

  4. Sara, that ring is too cute! I love to wear boots in the winter--I have seven different pairs! I love to follow the Crazy Cozads blog on Facebook and on Blogger and have posted a link to your give-a-way on Facebook! Hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas!

  5. My favorite winter accessories are boots. Not really an accessory, but one of my favorite parts about winter!

  6. I blogged about the give-a-way. That ring is too cute! I saw it when I broke my shopping fast but decided to pass. Now I'm kicking myself.

  7. My favorite wintertime accessory is a great pair of boots!

  8. I follow your blog and like you on Facebook.

  9. This is such a cute ring! I love to wear winter hats and scarves though I rarely actually wear them. I should change that!


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