Friday, July 6, 2012

Bump It: 26 Weeks

Where has the past 7 weeks gone?!  Time seems to fly when you're growing a human!  In the past seven weeks we have had Andrew come to live with us for 6 weeks, we travelled to San Antonio, we spent time in Galveston with Benjamin's family and tried to keep up with the every day routine of patients and work.

The time has gone relatively quickly, however we feel fairly relaxed and on top of things for the most part.  We feel like we have the big things covered:

  • Name: Check
  • Room Theme: Check
  • Hospital Toured: Check
  • Lamaze started: Check
  • Crib purchased: Check
  • Stroller/car seat: Check
  • Day care for when I return to work: Check
Everything else seems to be ticking along nicely as each day comes.  One of our most out of our comfort zone experiences so far was registering at Target.  It was a lot of me setting my purse down on one end of the aisle and moving up each section saying, "Oh, I don't know...this one?  Or maybe this one?  There's too many choices.  Surely they're all okay, right?  (sigh)  Let's go with this one"  Insert the sound of me scanning an item.  All of this happening while Benjamin was doing price comparisons on Amazon.  Another favorite conversation was this:

Benjamin: I scanned us the starter bottle pack.
Me: How many are in there?
Benjamin: 8
Me: 8?!  We need more than 8 bottles!  How many times a day do you think he'll eat?
Benjamin: Like 4-5.
Me: Nope.  Like 8 or more.  Do you want to wash bottles every day?
{Sound of Benjamin scanning three more sets of bottles}

We have totally enjoyed the experience of registering and have found ourselves laughing along the way.  Although we don't consider ourselves hippies, most of the the baby items that we like just happens to be eco-friendly and made of out of sustainable, recyclable items.  Maybe those items will help offset the fact that we are going to be using disposable diapers!  
Onto week 27 and beyond!!!

1 comment:

Comments are so fun! I love reading them all and respond to each one by email!