Friday, July 6, 2012

Winston Ace

That is correct!  At week 20, Benjamin and I were told that we were having a little boy!  After our doctor's appointment we celebrated with a dinner out where we started more seriously talking about names.  We had thrown some out there in the past, things like Gnarles Winston and Graeme and my always go to favorite: Hamish.  It has been a running joke in our relationship that if we ever had a boy, his name was going to be Hamish much to Benjamin's chagrin and adamant refusal.  

When I found out I was pregnant, we started praying that we would have the wisdom and guidance to name the baby what God desired as a name is so important - it sticks with you for your entire life! A few days before our appointment we looked up the meaning of Winston and it is "joyful stone." We both immediately loved this because I used to do a conference on joy and at the end I would hand out happy rocks (joyful stones!) as a reminder that Jesus' joy is abundant and that we are called to be joyful in all things. And from the start of our marriage I have called Benjamin my solid rock - he the constant amidst my crazy!  A little bit of both of us! Benjamin also was given this verse: Luke 19:40: "I tell you," he replied, "If they keep quiet, the rocks will cry out." This is Jesus' response to the Pharisees when the people are praising Jesus as Messiah as he rides into town on the donkey. It is our heart's desire that Winston be a joyful stone in the circles that he is placed in.

We had mostly thought Winston would be a middle name, but at dinner we agreed that it would be his first name.  Onto the middle name where Benjamin wanted it to either start with an "a" or an "e" that way his initials could be WEC or WAC.  We headed over to the local Barnes & Noble, grabbed a few baby name books and plopped ourselves down on the chairs.

We threw out names and none of them seemed to stick.  After about 20 minutes or so jokingly, I said "How about Ace?"
Benjamin: "That is AWESOME!!"
Me: "Seriously?  You really like that?"
Benjamin: "Yeah!  Winston Ace Cozad.  He'll be a little WAC!"
Me: "Yup, Winston Ace it is!"

Then Benjamin tried to make it meaningful by saying that the meaning of Ace is first and he will be our first child and the first grandchild on both sides of the family.   Mmmhmmm, while that is true, I think he really likes the fact that our kid's middle name is Ace.  

So, in time, sweet Winston Ace will make his debut into this world!  We are realizing more and more the realness of how he is growing and developing, praising the Lord for a healthy baby so far!!

Bring on the astronauts, dinosaurs and super heroes!

1 comment:

  1. And don't forget the trucks and balls. That is what Pearson is into now!!

    Love the story of how you came up with his fun little name!!

    I think it's time for another baby bump picture....don't you??


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