9 weeks left. NINE. That is the equivalent of 63 days. 1512 hours. Gulp. Nervousness and then excitement! So much excitement and a full heart of anticipation on the day when we'll get to meet our wonderful Winston Ace! It's kinda funny to me - I remember what I felt like when I was 9 weeks pregnant with 31 to go: nervous, excited, hopeful, nauseous. Now that it's 31 weeks pregnant and 9 to go I feel: nervous, excited, hopeful, nauseous! A complete circle of emotions!
We head to the doctor tomorrow to get a more exact guess on the due date. We continue to mark actions off of our to do list. Things such as:
- Find a pediatrician
- Sell our spare bedroom set
- Start setting up the room to be ready for Winston
- Take glucose test
I am happy to report that my glucose test came back normal! And that it wasn't as horrible as I had built it up in my mind to be. I was under the impression that I was going to have to suck down a Route 44 sized orange slush mixture that was going to make me gag. Quite the contrary - I had 5 minutes to drink what looked like a small bottle of orange Fanta. I cracked open the top, took a deep breath and started chugging the liquid. And I'm glad I did - I got most of it down in one go! When I returned less than a minute later to throw the bottle away, the nurse looked at me with large eyes and said, "You're done drinking it already?!" Yup, empty bottle is proof of that.
As mentioned above we started getting the room ready for Winston. Here's a little teaser.
Our theme for the room is Whimsy Woodsy for Winston! Surprised we didn't go with a monkey theme? And wondering why a monkey is in this picture? Well, Jacques the sock monkey matches the colors!
In the next few weeks Benjamin, Lulu and I are planning on making every effort to continue enjoying life as we know it. We are still very relaxed about the upcoming life changing event even though we are in the single digit week countdown. I have been sleeping really well at night, thank the Lord and am not taking that for granted in the slightest! I am still mesmerized by how miraculous it is that a tiny human is being knit together in my womb. I don't really have to do much - eat well, sleep well and God takes care of the rest.
Getting' ready!!
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