Monday, January 20, 2014

Project 52: Week 2014.03

One of my favorite things to do in the evening before Benjamin, Lulu and I head to bed is to walk into Winston's room to check on him one last time.  He's just such a precious muffin and I get a kick out of seeing what position he has managed to contort his body into.  Some nights his head is wedged against the corner buried in the bumper pads, some nights he has all of his blankets beneath him with bum in the air.  One night this week, he insisted on going to bed with his antler hat and this is how I found him...cuddling with Kermit.  He's always been a great sleeper and not a night goes by that I don't thank the Good Lord for that!  Benjamin went to Phoenix for a conferenced so I took the Friday he was gone off because there were house things to be done.  In the midst of being home for appointments, we enjoyed some fresh air in Old Town Spring and a Starbucks date with Dharma!  That boy loves him some petite madelines!

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