Tuesday, January 28, 2014

"Snow Day"

At the beginning of January I had scheduled today as a vacation day so that I could get some doctors appointments out of the way.  Thanks to the snow-pocolypse of 2014, I was able to spend my day at home with this little cheeser!
 We stayed in our jammies, enjoyed the fireplace, played with our toys, and did some Timmy Time watching with Lulu.  There was also napping.  Earlier in the day when the a snow-mushy hail fell from the sky, Winston and I did run around in the yard for about 3 minutes holding our hands out watching the flakes melt instantaneously.  Lulu watched from inside, nice and warm!
Winston loves hats.  LOVES them.  When Lulu dug this one out from under his bed today, he just had to have it on his head.  And there it stayed all through playing the puzzles, playing "where's Winston?" and couch snuggling time.  Its one of those little quirks that has been so fun to see develop!  {Although he may have inherited that from me!}

It was an unexpected delight to be able to spend the entire day with WAC!  Just love my little munchkin man!

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