Thursday, December 4, 2014

Truth in the Tinsel Advent: Day 2 & 3

Day Two: Crown & Kingdom
Since this day involved some painting, we broke our craft time up into two sessions.  We read the Scripture for the day emphasizing that God is a MIGHTY GOD (making our arms show our muscles) and the Prince of Peace (setting a crown upon our head with our hands).  Winston was eager to get the items out of the bag and was thrilled when he saw the paintbrush!  He decided to paint his crown green.
After he finished painting, we set the crown aside to come back to later in the afternoon to add sparkles to.  Winston loved squeezing the glue and putting the sparkles on the crown.  Like with most things, he was very specific about what color he wanted where!  
That night during dinner when we were talking about our day, Winston told Benjamin that he had made a crown, that God is a Mighty God and the Prince of Peace!  He also remembered that it is Jesus who is the Light of the World!  

Day Three: Zechariah
This day was a little more difficult of a concept for Winston to grasp.  He was more enthralled with gluing than anything else!  

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