Friday, January 30, 2015

Five on Friday

Due to my love for The Mac + Cheese cookbook, we are giving away two of them!  Today is the last day to enter, so be sure click here to put your name in the pot for the opportunity to win one!  Winners will be announced tomorrow.

On the list of personal goals for January was to complete my first embroidery project.  Last Easter {yipe! Was it really that long ago?!} Benjamin gave me the kit and it sat dormant in a drawer until this fall.  I started during nap times, working on it a little here and here in the evenings.  It brought back memories of being in home ec classes in elementary school.  I re-learned how to do a french knot and the chain stitch {God bless YouTube!}.  I am happy with the way it turned out and now need to figure out how to frame it!  {Kit was purchased from Betty Crafter.}

I am in a little state of shock at how fast January went and cannot believe that Valentine's Day is a smidge over two weeks away!!  Benjamin brought the Valentine's tub out of storage and am planning on decorating and even making a few new things to spruce up the mantel this weekend.  I have been pinning fun Valentine's Day ideas and can't wait to sit down to get inspired!  

Super Bowl is on Sunday.  And to be honest, I have no skin in this game.  So that means I am only looking forward to the Super Bowl for two reasons:  {one} The halftime show and {two}...
Is anyone else hooked on this show?!  We started watching The Blacklist through Netflix, Amazon and Hulu from the very beginning shortly after Christmas.  And we were caught up by New Years!  It is that addicting.  The character development and the story lines are mesmerizing!  This Sunday after the Super Bowl it returns with new episodes on NBC and I cannot wait to see what Red has in store for us!  Do you watch The Blacklist?

Our week was a good one, I am happy to say!  I am thankful for the beautiful weather we had in the middle of the week.  It allowed for us to visit the zoo and spend some time outside with Luli.   I have to remind myself that we are still in the middle of winter!  I am ready for Spring to get here.  I have been doing the She Reads Truth Hymns II study.  Do you use She Reads Truth?  As well as having studies, they also have a Bible in a Year reading schedule.  Check them out!  They also have beautiful graphics to accompany each study.  This week one of the hymns was His Eye Is On The Sparrow.  I just love the words and the melody so. 

May you have a wonderful weekend!!  What are you getting up to?  Anything crazy or just low key?  We will be fairly low key and with the rainy weather that we are supposed to have, I am okay with that!


  1. Thanks for sharing! I seriously love your embroidery project!! It makes me want to pick mine back up again. :)

  2. I wish I could embroidery. I've tried, it's just not for me. I'll still to my knitting. I love the Sparrow picture. It is one of my favorite hymns! Thanks for sharing your 5!

  3. Love that embroidery project! So many great colors :) I've never tried embroidery before, but now I want to make one for our house.

  4. I have been seeing this mac n' cheese cookbook everywhere! Probably a sign that I should pick it up, huh? I also am not that excited about the Super Bowl (I don't even know who's playing for sure), but I do welcome a little couch time (surfing Pinterest) while my husband yells at the TV screen... =)

  5. Oh that Mac n cheese book! Yum.
    I love embroidery I haven't ever done it but love seeing the results!


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