Wednesday, January 28, 2015

January Zoo Day

As you may already know our family has a Houston zoo membership.  We first got it for our sixth anniversary and have kept it up ever since.  One of my goals for this year is to take Winston to the zoo at least once a month.  He really enjoys seeing the animals and every time you go its a new adventure!  

On Monday of this week when I saw that forecast for the weather was low 70's and sun shiny, I decided that this would be our January visit.  I asked my Mom to come along and she joined us for a beautiful morning out.

Normally we skip right by the meerkats but today we walked by on our way to the elephants.  They really are cute little things.  I kinda wanted to take one home with me!  I'm not sure that Lulu would be too happy about that...
We saw the sweet little elephant babies and the bears!  The larger two bears were having a snoozefest in the shade and then we happened upon this little guy.  Just napping in the sun using a stump as a pillow.
Continuing on our walk on the fabulous day, we saw Jonathan the Lion.  On this visit we learned that the lionesses with him are triplets, that they are going to be seven this year and they came from Fort Worth!
A trip to the zoo always involves us bringing our wagon.  Winston's legs are now long enough that, with a little help, he can pop in and out to see the animals when we come to a stop.  He gets a kick out of having his water and snacks with him!
Even though the weather was amazing, the zoo wasn't overly full making it easy to get right up close to the habitats.
These guys were our lunch buddies as we sat outside to eat.  We bought our lunch from the zoo today and it was tasty.  We had kids chicken fingers and kids hot dogs.  Both came with fries and the portions were generous!
Today I shot all of the photos in aperture mode.  I decided that I would break out of using the manual mode all of the time {even though its just so easy!} and challenge myself from time to time.  And I'm glad I did!

Winston had a wonderful time, as per usual, and was sound asleep before we even left the parking lot!  When he woke up from his nap he asked for the elephants again.  Yes son, we will go back... I promise!

You can read about our other adventures to the zoo: here,  here, and here.

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