Sunday, February 1, 2015

Goals Recap: January 2015

In my thoughts about the New Year, I mentioned that I was going to make my goals a little differently this year.  Instead of making blanket goals to cover the entire year, that sometimes overwhelm me, I planned to do month by month goals.  I created a few different buckets where I wanted to make sure we had at least one planned activity.  I am happy to report that January was a successful month!

We hosted a Girls Night Out/Boys Night In event for our Sunday School class.
Scheduled and went to lunch with Mom's from Winston's class at school.
Scheduled a Mommy & Me craft day to be had in February.

Attended Monster Jam!

Planned {and made!} January crafts
We went to Baby Power for the first time.  
We went on a really rainy, wet, cold, windy Friday at the beginning of the month and it was the perfect venue for burning off some extra energy!  We followed it up with a trip to CiCi's and Baskin Robbins!
Winston LOVED the ball pit!  He jumped in over and over and over and over again!  
I completed my embroidery project!
I blogged more!

There were a few things that I didn't get a start on but the great thing is I can roll them over to February's list!  I have my February goals all ready to go.  Benjamin contributed to it as well.  We also completed a few projects around the house that we weren't really expecting to however the timing just worked out so that we got them knocked out!  Having these little lists are helping us to be more intentional about spending time together and building relationships with others.  

How do you make the time to be intentional with your days?


  1. It sounds like you did a great job at achieving and working toward your January goals! I've found that making smaller goals definitely helps me as well.

  2. It sounds like you had a great month! I started off January being pretty good about my time management, but I'm struggling with it a little now. One of major things I've been doing differently in the past month is how I spend my time after work. I'd usually come home and do lots of blog stuff and play on my iPad, but now I"m trying a lot harder to spend no technology time with my husband. I've been getting behind in blog stuff, but it's worth it haha.

  3. Winston is really cute! You did a great job of accomplishing your goals.

  4. Awesome job with your goals. And I like the attitude about rolling them over. No need to put too much pressure on yourself. Just keep chugging!

  5. Omg, he's adorable! Looks like your new year is off to a great start. :)


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