Monday, February 2, 2015

Meal Planning in Reverse.4

Another successful meal planning week completed!  I will have to say that the Chicken Parm Sloppy Joe's were a pleasant surprise to this week's line up.  I saw them on Mix and Match Mama's blog on Monday and made the swap.  I am happy I did!  Have you tried anything new lately that have delighted your tastebuds?

Papa John's Pizza
{Did you know that Papa John's does 1 topping, $6 carry out pizzas on Mondays?  It is one of our favorite Monday meals!}

Pioneer Woman's Fried Round Steak, mashed potatoes and parmesan zucchini

{Y'all.  This was taaaaasty!  And fairly quick to put together.  The recipe calls for Italian seasonings which I realized I had none of until I was making the meal!  In lieu of that I used Season All, Garlic Salt and Basil.  I also used Hunt's Garlic and Basil tomato sauce to add flavor.  Instead of hamburger buns, I sliced french bread.  No matter how you make it, I'm sure it will be a winner with your family.  It was with mine!}

Breakfast!  Scrambled eggs, bacon and Trader Joe's Hash browns
{I love Trader Joe's hash browns because you can get them extra cripsy!}

Taco kit and yellow rice

Salad and Spaghetti

{Lunch} PF Changs Take Out
{Dinner} Super Bowl Party

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