Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!

I can't quite remember how I found out about Big Love Ball, I just know that I did and I needed one in my life!  In brainstorming ideas for Valentine's Day photos, using the ball came up as an option that both Benjamin and I really liked.  We invited Noah, Salem and Penelope to join us for the photos and was pleased as punch with how they turned out!  
These cousins are to precious!  I am thankful that they live close that we can not only take cute photos together but that they can play and grow together.  Winston is quite taken with Penelope and remembers to be gentle when he is near her.  And she just coos right back at him when he talks to her.  We didn't grow up near cousins and I know how much I love mine.  I am eager to watch them in the years to come!
For me celebrating Valentine's is a time for me to pause and offer thanks to the One who gives love unconditionally.  
"We love because he first loved us."  1 John 4:19
Jesus' love is immeasurable and swallows all of me up.  He loves me despite of my unloveable parts.  And because of that I love and follow Him with my entire life.  He is the reason I wake up in the morning and for that I will sing His praise!  He has given me everything I have and for that I am thankful.  
I couldn't imagine my life without Benjamin and Winston.  I found myself thinking back to my college self and trying to remember what I thought life would be life when I was married and had a kiddo.  All I know is that it is better than my 20 year old self ever hoped it could be.  God is faithful and just.   He is generous and loving.  He has given me more love than I ever thought my heart could handle and on top of that I get to do life with these two.  Blown. Away.  My days are full of Thomas the Train, snacks, painting, crafts, singing in the car, in the house, in the yard.  Full of jokes and laughter.  My days have times of tears and frustration, of tantrums and hurt feelings.  Times of teaching and soothing, of cuddling and reading.  With each of these words I have precious memories attached.  I try my best to be thankful for each stage of life we are in appreciating what we have yet looking forward to the excitement of the next!
And because Elmo is never far from where we are...  
Hope that you are able to spend Valentine's Day with the best people in your life!


  1. These pictures are so adorable! You have a beautiful family :) Hope you had a great Valentines Day!

  2. These are GREAT pictures! I love the deep, rich colors. You all are too adorable. That one of him sitting on the ball melts my heart! I hope that you frame all of these!!


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