Friday, March 13, 2015

Five on Friday: 3.12.15

one \\ Winston was able to go back to school this week!  He was set on carrying his own backpack into school each morning.  And wearing his mittens.  According to him, "Wear mittens keep me warm!"  I just love how he gets these little ideas.  And of course I am happy to make sure that I can do what I can to make sure he has mittens.  To keep him warm of course!
two \\ This is currently one of our favorite night time books.  I love this book for a few reasons.  One being that Winston means joyful stone and this book was a gift from my parents on the day he was born.  Secondly, the book is made up rocks that look like letters of the alphabet and coordinating words!  Winston loves anything to do with rocks right now and this book is no exception.  It is sweet to hear his little voice "read" along each night.  
three \\  I shared about our version of getting ready for Go Texan Day, a day that kicks off the Houston Rodeo season!
four \\  Our weekend is a little more scheduled with a trip to the saw mill, book club, family visits, friends in for lunch, attending what we call "the wedding of the season" and church meetings.  While I am glad that we can fit so much in, I love that on Friday night we have nothing planned which means a fun, family movie night with Winston and once he is in bed Benjamin and I can watch the newest Blacklist and Nashville episodes!  Anyone else sucked into those shows and their story lines?
five \\  How cute are these inflatables from Shop the Manor?  There are three different animals: duck, swan and flamingo.  Winston informed me that he likes the ducky and I like the 'mingo.  Wouldn't they make the cutest beach props for a family photo shoot?  Which one would you get?  

Linking up today with 5 on Friday: DarciAprilChristina + Natasha | Oh Hey, Friday: September Farm + The Farmer's Wife



  1. Dying over that yellow ducky! Also, Blacklist is next in our queue! Hope it lives up to the hype!

  2. I'm going to have to look for that books. It sounds super cute!

  3. Visiting you back from the linkup - your little guy is adorable in his mittens! Also love your outfit for Texan Day!


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