Monday, March 16, 2015

Meal Planning in Reverse.8

I took a weeks break from Meal Planning mostly because we were under the weather the entire week and it was pretty much a "what's in the house to make" sorta week!  We are back this week with some new tries and some old favorites!

Chili Pasta Bake and a side of veggies
{I decided to use black beans in our dish and also nixed the paprika and used some taco seasonings.  It turned out to have more of a taco feel than a chili feel which was okay with my guys!  Delicious and definitely a keeper!} 

Smothered Chicken and Cheesy Potato Casserole with veggies
{This recipe calls for three rows of sliced potatoes.  I only did two rows and we all thought that it was plenty with that!  I would not recommend this if you are lactose intolerant but if you love cheese + chicken + potatoes, you need to try this out!  It was almost my first time to purchase cheese soup....who else knew that existed?!}

Pizza pork chops, rice and zucchini

Mall food court: Chick-fil-a for the boys and Wendy's for me.

Leftovers Night!

Benjamin and I: Wedding of The Season

Lunch: PF Chang's
Dinner: Cereal for all!

We had a busy Saturday but a great Saturday and Sunday was right on par with a good start to the week.  We hope that you feel rested and are ready to tackle another week!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! That picture of your sweet little guy is too precious. What a handsome fella!


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