Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Goals Recap: April 2015

April was a busy month for our family!  We celebrated Easter, took a trip to Dallas to ride Thomas and a trip to Pennsylvania to see family.  And each day in between was filled with school, crafts or just spending time outside enjoying the cool spell that came through Texas!

We put together a Sunday school class outing to watch the Art Car Parade!
On a trip to Dallas, we visited with our sweet friends!

 We took at trip to Grapevine to ride Thomas the Train!!
And of course we wore our Conductor hat and Thomas boots!
We had dinner with Uncle Ben and Aunt Sam while we were in town visiting Thomas!

Winston and I also took at trip to Pennsylvania with my Mom to visit the family.  We always make a stop at Gardner's Candy Store.  This was the first visit that Winston really got excited about picking out his own candy!

It was Donuts with Dad at Winston's school.  He enjoyed showing Daddy all around his classroom and building block towers with him!

Keep up with the year so far:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice post! What a cute family you have!


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