Friday, December 18, 2015

Five Things on Friday: 12.18

I cannot believe that it is seven days until Christmas!!  One week away!  Yesterday morning Winston came down the stairs and said, 
"Santa told me that Christmas is 10 days away!"  I responded with, "Well, it's actually eight days away!"  "EIGHT DAYS!", he exclaimed, "I'm so excited!"  
one || It's true to say that Winston has inherited my excitement for just about everything that happens around Christmas!  I am soaking up all of his energy and the wonder in his eyes this year.  This is such a fun age where the magic and true reason of Christmas blows their little minds!  All of us decorated the tree this year.  Benjamin unwrapped them, Winston hung eighty percent of them and I did the few that were a little more fragile.  Winston got such joy out of carefully picking where each ornament would hang saying, "This is the perfect place for this one" and "Oh, this looks nice here!"  He loves to look at them multiple times a day, finding his favorites and making the musical ones sing.  
I sometimes wish I could just bottle him up and save him this way forever!  :)
two || Last week was Winston's Christmas program at school.  Their little age group dress as stars and sang, you got it!  Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star!  He did much better this year after spotting me in the crowd!  
three || Opposuits have become one of my favorite things this holiday season!  Have you seen them at your Macy's?  I had seen one when I was out and about shopping and thought how fun they were.  Then a day or so later a patient mentioned them to Benjamin.  One night we were chatting about them and the next thing I know he ordered one!  Now, Benjamin ten years ago would not have been so quick to order this crazy thing let alone wear it multiple times in public!  But Benjamin now - donned his suit for quite a few events this year and wears it well!  
And then there was the time when both doctors showed up in their crazy suits for one of the tacky Christmas days at the office!  The girls and patients just loved it!  

We have since added a second suit to the collection!  The plaid looks super cool and the jacket would even work on it's own with some jeans!
You can also find them on Amazon.  They have a suit for every season: Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Springtime, and 4th of July!  Of course, I think he needs them all!  Would your honey wear a crazy suit?  
four || I started gift wrapping yesterday during Winston's last day of school.  It's getting a little harder to bend this way and that with a growing Truman but I was happy with the progress that I made!  This shirt made me giggle when I saw it and so into my wardrobe it came!  It is super soft and comfy.  It is designed by one of the sweetest and funniest moms I have come across on Instagram.  Malyn lives in San Antonio and shares daily the antics of her kiddos and their day while encouraging other moms to embrace the sweet moments during the chaos and crazy that can ensue!  Check out her shop and take advantage of the free shipping she is offering this month!
five || This last weekend before Christmas, I am looking forward to enjoying time with my boys!  It's crazy to think that in two months Truman will be here and we will begin a new adventure as a family of four.  Winston continues to give hugs and talk to Truman!  He says the cutest things in reference to Truman:
In reference to cookies: "These are for big boys.  Truman is not a big boy.  He's little and will drink milk!" 
In reference to shoes: "These are sooooo cuuuute, Mommy!  Truman will love them!" 
When someone asks when Truman will arrive: "Tomorrow my baby will be here!"  {Not quite kiddo!  Let's not rush it!}
Baking, making and Christmas light looking are on the agenda of fun for this weekend!  What will you and your family be up to?

Linking up today with 5 on Friday: April | Oh Hey, Friday: September Farm + The Farmer's Wife | Friday Favorites: Andrea, Erika and Narci


  1. You are the cutest! Love that Santa shirt. And oh my gosh those suits!! My Luke would wear one of those as often as he could! HA. He wears his ugly sweater to Thanksgiving and then every weekend after!

  2. those opposuits are hilarious!!! Love the bump!!
    Stopping by from the link up!
    <3 Sarita it's my girls' world

  3. Oh my gosh those suits are amazing! I wish my hubby had to dress up for work just so that I could get him one! So much fun! Also, Winston is adorable! The picture of him by the tree is so sweet.


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