Wednesday, March 23, 2016

My View This Morning

This morning I woke up to a kiss from the hubs.  I helped him button his shirt and away he went.  Off to save crooked teeth.  And me.  Off to face the day with two little humans.  

Truman woke up, hungry.  Winston woke up, snuggly.  Together we piled on the bed, watched Blaze the Monster Machine and learned about inertia.  

Breakfast with Winston while Truman chilled in his chair cooing at the windows.  Weather checked, day planned.  Haircut on the docket.

Time to get Winston dressed and ready.  All of us upstairs.  Set Truman down to pick out an outfit and this is what I see when I turn around.  
My heart bursts.  

I hear Winston say, 
"Let's watch the circus Trumy!  It's very fun and you will like the elephants!"

Truman's head, his tiny hand on Winston's arm.  Hearing Winston include his little brother in what he is doing.  
It's moments like these that I... up in my heart
...freeze in my mind
...thank the Lord for
...realize that Winston is the best big brother for Truman overwhelmed
...get confirmation on how important it is to leave margin in our schedules for moments like these.


  1. That is so sweet and the picture is absolutely adorable! Heart melts.

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