Wednesday, March 30, 2016

What's Up Wednesday: March Edition

Today I am joining ShayShaeffer and Mel for What's up Wednesday!  Every month on the last Wednesday I'm going to be answering the following prompts!  I didn't participate last month as we were still transiting into being a family of four!  
What We're Eating This Week
This week we had our easy favorites that include: tortellini and a visit to Chuy's!

What I'm Reminiscing About
Our Easter weekend!  We had such a lovely laid back morning with the boys opening gifts from the Easter bunny and playing with said gifts!  Then we got ready for church and all of the boys indulged my mama request for pictures together!
We did an Easter egg hunt with our niece, Penelope.  It was so fun to see her and Winston discovering the eggs and helping each other out!  I'm looking forward to next year with Truman will be in on the action!

What I'm Loving
I am loving the photos from the photography session we had with Katie Hill Photography when Truman was one week old.  I mean, this just warms a mama's heart! 

What We've Been Up To
Lately we have been adjusting to life with the four of us {plus Lulu!}.  
Winston still wakes up each morning on the look out for Truman, or Trumy as he calls him most times.  He loves to be right where he is or at least know where he is at all times.  Winston loves to hold Truman and any time he asks, we say yes. {With supervision of course!}  
We have managed to take Winston to and from school, get groceries, do some shopping at the mall, make doctors appointments and have a load of jammie days!  I am learning the best way to manage our time on the mornings we have places to be.  So far it is safe to say we are all doing very well! 

What I'm Dreading
I'm not sure that I'm dreading anything in the upcoming weeks.  Although Truman's next doctors appointments involve some that will be a bit unpleasant for the tiny!

What I'm Working On
...Being a mom of two!  Haha!

I am actually working on hosting a monthly link-up that should be fun and easy!  Stay tuned!

What I'm Excited About
This week is my birthday week!  Woo hoo!  I will be thirty three tomorrow!  I love reasons to celebrate and birthdays are a pretty big reason to celebrate in my book!  I don't quite mind getting older.  With each year I experience new things, I grow in different ways and I get to spend my days with the people that I love most of all in this world.  More than anything I always find myself being thankful for the days that I've had!  

What I'm Watching/Reading
Well, I have finished Friends.  All 10 seasons.  
{moment of silence for the end}.
By accident I started watching the movie Thor.  
And in that was reminded how much I enjoy the Marvel franchise movies.
Sooooo..  I decided I need to watch them all in chronological order. 
Having already seen the first two Iron Mans, Captain America: The First Avenger and The Avengers, we have watched Iron Man 3 and next on the list is Thor: Dark World.
Have you watched these movies?  Are you a Marvel comic fan?

And as far as reading goes, I downloaded Smart Girl by Rachel Hollis to read on the plane.  It is the third book in her series.  If you like fun, light, smart, easy reads I highly suggest you go read all three: Party Girl, Sweet Girl, Smart Girl  

What I'm Listening To
These days I am listening mostly to baby coos and cries, Winston as he plays and tells me about his day and imagines great things, the Lulu puppy barking or the recap of my husband's day!  :)  

In the car to and from anywhere we go these days Winston requests the number seven song which in my CD player equates to "This is Not the End" by Gungor.  

What I'm Wearing
 These days I'm wearing everything comfy!  Comfy, long dress, pajamas and LuLa Roe leggings have been my jam.  
It's hard to wear real pants {pants with a zipper} after having a C-section.  
Enter Hue leggings.  
These babies are awesome.  They give the look of wearing jeans without actually being jeans!  They are very comfy and I'm thinking they might replace all of my jeans.... Hooray for the elastic waistband! :)  They are also a good price point{$45 - $55} which is way less than designer jeans!  You can find them on their website, Amazon, Nordstrom and Dillard's!

What I'm Doing This Weekend
This weekend I am celebrating my birthday!  The husband has surprised me with a trip and I am looking forward to experiencing all that he has planned!

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month
Bunco, friends visiting from out of town and lots of family time are just a few of the things that I am looking forward to in April!  

What Else is New
I have my Spring hair color and I love it to bits!  It is a dark plum on the base with lavender and soft pink highlights!
What bold color would or have you dyed your hair?

What is Your Favorite Spring Cleaning Tip?
I'm not sure I have any good spring cleaning tips other than this is the time of year that I weed out any of the clothes I didn't wear over the winter.  If I didn't touch it or if I moved it from one side of the close to the other but it wasn't on my body... it has to go!  I also make Winston try on spring/summer clothes from the previous year and fold up or give away anything that is too small!


  1. You guys are the cutest family ever!! Seriously adorable. And I love all the names of kids in the family. So fun and creative.

  2. A laid back Easter morning before church sounds great! All of your boys look so dapper and you look gorgeous, mama! You have such an adorable family. Oh that photo of W & T melts me. I hope you’ll share more of those! Happy early birthday. I hope it’s the best one yet. Your hair looks amazing, friend! And I love that tshirt. Yes to tacos, always yes!

  3. You have such an adorable family.Seriously adorable.


Comments are so fun! I love reading them all and respond to each one by email!