Thursday, January 5, 2017

2016 One Second Everyday

Somewhere around the end of May, I gal I follow on Instagram posted the coolest video of her family.  It was one second of video captured everyday mashed into a thirty second montage.  I found the app, 1 Second Everyday and started June 1st.  This has been one of my most favorite things that I did in the way of memory keeping for 2016!

There were a few days where I forgot to take a video but had taken photos.  The app is smart {and cool} enough to allow the use of daily photos in the montage as well!  Benjamin even joined in on helping remember to capture video on the adventures we took.

The app also allows for the creation of a freestyle video.  I used this feature to create mashups for a trip to the zoo and one of our family vacations.  I am looking forward to challenging myself to create more freestyle videos in 2017!

More than anything I love this video because it captures the growth of our sweet boys.  It's amazing how much they've grown this year.  It is precious to this mama's heart to see their sweet relationship and love for each other.

Cozads 2016 1 Second Everyday from Sara Cozad on Vimeo.

And there it is - from June to December of 2016!  Bring on 2017 and all of the entertainment it will have to offer!

How do you capture and store your family memories?  I would love to know!

1 comment:

  1. I loved your video! I started using this app sometime last year. I need to mash my video and save it! I'm trying to be more consistent with it this year.


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