Monday, November 13, 2017

Our Favorite Games for Kiddos

We started playing games with Winston when he was somewhere in that 2-3 years old range.  Simple things like memory and Bingo working our way up to the classics that we loved growing up like Hungry Hippo and Trouble.  What I have come to realize is that there are more and more games for the kiddos these days!  Here are a few that we have come to love!

This Daniel Tiger version of bingo and memory is a favorite in our house and the first set of games we played with Winston.  It is perfect for taking along on trips or restaurants as well!

The Sneaky Snacky Squirrel is in the top two games that Winston picks to play when Truman has been laid down.  The goal is to get one of every color of acorn into your log before a wind blows or the sneaky squirrel {another player!} snatches one of your acorns for himself!

As you can see, the Beanie Babies also enjoy the opportunity to play this game too!  ;)

The second game that he gravitates towards is Zingo!  We received this as a gift from a friend who thought it looked like fun and she was not wrong!  The red box hold the cards and when you slide it back two of the cards drop into the slots.  You have to be one of the first ones to grab a card if it matches one of the pictures on your Zingo board.  The first one to fill your board wins!  They have a few different versions of the game including a site words version for older kids.  We have also taken Zingo along to restaurants with us when there are lots of kiddos.  It is the perfect game to help pass the time!

Let's Go Fish is a favorite with both boys.  It is in the category of the classics and every house needs one, in my opinion!

I was at Five Below a few days ago and found Cooties and Don't Spill the Beans for $5!  These were two of my favorite games growing up and I'm excited to introduce the boys to them.

I would love to know what some of your favorite games to play are!  Leave me a comment so that I can check them out!

If you like this post, check out:
Our Favorite Outdoor Toys for Kiddos

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