Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Truman Starts Year 2!

Truman returns to the sweet preschool program that our family has been apart of since Winston was 18 months old.  Last year was a special year because both boys were there together.  This year is special because Truman proudly calls it his school and waves with big smiles at everyone we walk pass!  One of the many things I love about the place where Truman attends is that we are familiar with the amazing teachers and staff.  So going into Meet the Teacher, Truman already knew the two ladies that would be spending the year with our little guy.  In fact, one of them taught Winston when he was in this class!  I was pregnant with Truman during that time so she has seen him grow up through the years!  Truman picked out his Moo Moo shirt to wear for the Meet the Teacher and of course, Moo Moo came along too!  {Two of them actually, if you can see! 😂}
On the first day of school Truman was excited to go "like Winston goes to school."  He was a champ walking into his class, grabbing his nap mat and carrying it in all on his own.  
I am so eager to see how Truman will continue to grow and develop over the next months.  Already he has come home from school telling me about friends, new songs he is learning and all about the blue and green slides on the playground!  😍  At two, Truman is a comical little guy who loves for us to play right along side with him although he is content to be lost in his own imagination at times too.  He is caring and loving, he loves music and wants to know what the names of songs are.  He is quite strong willed and while that quality can be exhausting and overwhelming when trying to parent, I pray that God will use it for his glory!  Truman has a catch phrase and it just slays me with cuteness each time he says it.  It's a few times a day that we hear Trumy exclaim, "Oh my stars!" in relation to seeing something exciting, in relation to a great lunch laid before him or while we're out shopping.  Trumy is also very interested in having options for breakfast, for what to wear, for what to do next and if I don't give him any he'll tell me, "Gimme some options, Mommy!"  

And now for the questions that he answered this year!  I have to say that in the Spring of this year I was worried that he wasn't speaking much.  He understood what we were saying but wasn't quite yet interested in talking.  And why should he be?  Winston talked a lot for him! 😂  Gradually, Truman started stringing words into sentences and now I have two little chatterboxes!  I wouldn't trade it for the world.

How old are you?
I two!

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite food? 
Macaroni and cheese.

What is your favorite holiday?

What is your favorite thing to do with Mom?
Watch a show.

What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy? 
Build Legos and take a nap!

What is your favorite thing to do with Winston? 
Build a fort and play outside.

What was your favorite thing you did this summer?
White House and water balloons.

What are you most excited about this year in school?  
 Playdoh and playing with trains

What do you want to be when you grow up? 
A dentist like daddy.

What is your favorite movie?
Lightening McQueen

What is your favorite toy or stuffed animal?
Moo Moo!  

Truman, you are sweet little buddy to your friends, you love fiercely and are quick to learn new things.  May this year be full of adventure and fun!  I am so thankful I get a front row spot to seeing you grow!

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