Monday, December 31, 2018

2018 One Second Everyday

I thought about the best way to wrap up this year and I can't think of a better way to reflect on the three hundred and sixty five days that made up 2018 than sharing this video.  😍 I used the 1 Second Everyday app.  {I cannot say enough great things about this app!  If you want an easy to use way to document your year, download from the app store.}

Our days were filled with ordinary moments: baths, playing, reading, cooking, a whole bunch of routine things.  Then there's the magic moments: sweet brothers holding hands, snuggles, epic swimming splashes, birthdays, surprises.  There's travel to Israel, Canada, California, Washington DC, Pennsylvania; to Dallas, Galveston, San Antonio.

There's so much gratitude for this year.  I am thankful for our health, for growth, for the ordinary days, for the tough days, for the magical days.  Truman summed it up quick nicely when he said his favorite thing about this year was "spending lots of days with his family.

Wishing you the excitement of a fresh start that the new year brings.  May it be filled with knowing the goodness of God and the joy He brings.  

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