Monday, March 25, 2019

March 2019 Book Review

We have completed one fourth of 2019!  Can you even believe that?!  I think I might pass out with how quickly this year is flying by. 😜 This month I read quite a few books that were light hearted, easy reads!

The Hypnotist's Love Story by Liane Moriarty
"One is very crazy when in love." - Sigmund Freud

That quote sums up the entire book.  😂 While I was entertained by reading this book, this was my least favorite by Liane Moriarty.  Although I was not expecting the twist, it lacked for me.  I kept waiting for the next thing and it just never was.

👍Slightly South of Simple by Kristy Woodson Harvey👍
Last month Tanya posted that she had read this book at liked it.  So I found it on my library app and placed it on hold.  It came available two days later!  This book is written around a mom and her three girls who all end up moving back home for the summer for different reasons: divorce, work nearby and a deployed husband.  It is written from the perspective of two characters: Mom and the eldest daughter.  I became attached to all of the characters and was a little bummed when it ended... and then I learned that this was the first in a series!  Woo hoo!  I recommend if you're looking for a good book to travel with!
"And it occurred to me that being a parent is one giant leap of faith."
This quote stuck out to me because goodness if that isn't one of the truest things ever written! 😂
  👀 In Farleigh Field by Rhys Bowen  👀
Ever since MaLyn recommended The Royal Spyness series to me last summer, I have been a fan of Rhys Bowen.  All of her books are clean with a little romance and a little mystery!  When this book popped up as a recommendation by Amazon, I purchased it and was glad I did!  This book is a stand-alone but super cute and easy to read.  It will keep you on your toes as you try to guess who done it!

👀Heirs & Graces {The Royal Spyness Series, Book 7} by Rhys Bowen 👀
I read the first six books last year and was patiently waiting for this one to come up in my library queue.  It kept me guessing who-done-it till the end of the book!

👍The Secret to Southern Charm by Kirsty Woodson Harvey👍
Directly after finishing the first book, I hopped onto the computer to reserve a copy from my library.  This second in the series picks up the story of Ansley and her three daughters right where the first one left off.  Only this time the book is through the eyes of Ansley {Mom} and her middle daughter.  I found myself getting quite emotional in this one - attachment to characters will do that to me!  I enjoyed this book too and look forward to reading the third one {I've already pre-ordered it! 😂}

All We Ever Wanted by Emily Griffin
This book.  Man.  Being a mom of two boys, it kinda wrenched my heart a little.  It almost put a fear of what could might be a possibility and then I stopped and held those thoughts captive to the Lord.  I know that this was just a book and that I am raising my kiddos in a different home environment than the characters in this book.  And while I cannot make my buddies live in a bubble, I know that they will be covered with prayer and wrapped in His love as they grow.
In saying all of that, this was a very interesting read.

Let me know if you pick up or add one of these books to your reading list!
Happy Monday!

Linking up with Hello Monday with Lindsay TanyaHeather and Johannah


  1. I'm so glad you liked the Slightly South book, and the second one too. I didn't like the second one quite as much as the first, but it was still a solid read. I think the author commented on my blog post! I wish she had seen my review of the first book and not the second. Ugh! I really want to read the Royal Spy series. I'm going to look for it in the library website!

  2. Slightly South of Simple sounds like a really great read!


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