Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Purchased on Amazon

Now that all the presents have been unwrapped, here are a few things that I purchased from good ole Amazon this Christmas season!

For the Kids
We love Bruce and the shenanigans that everyone around him puts him through!  Santa brought Bruce's Big Storm as an addition to our collection of these adorable books!

Santa also brought Cool Beans under the tree as well!  The other two books in this series {Bad Seed and Good Egg} are precious and this did not disappoint.

My buddies are into Pokemon these days.  We've been watching the Sun & Moon series on Netflix.  Santa brought this fun little set for Winston to enjoy along with some cards. 

For the Hubs
I noticed that Benjamin's Bible was looking a little worse for wear one Sunday and set to find him the exact same Bible but it was no where to be found.  So I settled on a close second.  It's a parallel Bible with NIV and The Message versions of scripture.  This one is also a study Bible with all the extra footnotes, etc.  After I ordered it I found it out it was the exact one he had on his wishlist!  #winning 😂

Another thing that he had mentioned about wanting more than once was a portable air compressor to keep in his truck.  I liked this one out of all of them that I looked at because it was highly rated and all of the wires fit inside itself.  Plus it's quite compact making it easy to store under a seat.  Truman liked it because it was orange. 

For the Family
I added this game to my cart on a whim for my Dad because he loves history.  We played a few rounds on Christmas Day and it was a hit!  Each player creates their own timeline of events based off of cards that are read aloud.  You guess where the event takes placed on your time line {for example you have two cards, 1889 and 2018.  The card being read to you is about the Prohibition.  You guess between 1889 and 2018 and boom, the card is yours!} and the first one to collect 10 cards wins!  The great thing about this game is that even if you don't know exact dates, you still have a fighting chances because it's a mix of knowledge and guesswork.  I highly recommend if you're in the market for a game that is fun and conversational!

I did less Christmas shopping on Amazon this year and I feel pretty good about that!  I find joy in going into stores and discovering the just right thing or finding a small business to gift from.  I think a healthy balance of both is good in life! 😂

What is something that you received for Christmas that you were super excited about?


  1. I am using a similar NIV/MSG bible right now to do a chronological plan. That's so funny that you got the exact one that he wanted! I know what you mean about shopping in person...sometimes it's nice to see and feel the item! Thanks for linking up with Prime Purchases! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  2. That portable air compressor is really cool. I would be interested to try that out. I love getting books on amazon for my littles too.


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