A new school year is upon us with Winston starting third grade!! He has grown in inches and in maturity and I'm not sure that my heart is ready for it. I told as friend the other day, there are times I miss the sweet little baby moments but it really is a joy and a hoot to have a front row in seeing their personalities, likes and dislikes and dreams take shape.
How old are you?
What is your favorite color?
Winston: Red, Blue and Green.
Me: That's exactly what you said last year and in the same order!
Winston: I'm just that awesome.
What is your favorite food?
Cheeseburgers and French fries.
Me: You said that too!
WAC: I guess still like them. 😂
What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas and Halloween
What is your favorite thing to do with Mom?
Read and spend quality time with her.
What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy?
Build Legos with him.
What is your favorite thing to do with Truman?
Throw water balloons at him! And have one on one quality time with him.
What was your favorite thing you did this summer?
To be honest, go on all the vacations.
Me: Which one?
Winston: All of them! Watercolor, Camp, Grave Digger Dungeon.
What are you most excited about this year in school?
Making new friends and playing soccer at recess. And also reading time, because I love reading.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Well, I want to be an artist.
Me: What kind of artist?
Winston: I would like to get a job where I can design Pokemons.
What is your favorite movie?
All of them that I watch!
Me: Yeah, well what is that?
Winston: Know what, I'm just gonna say Magic Camp.
What is your favorite book?
Me: Which one?
Winston: For Whom the Ball Rolls but then I read Mothering Heights and I liked how it was about Petey.
What is your favorite snack or candy?
Favorite candy is mints. Favorite snack is goldfish
What is your favorite toy or stuffed animal?
My favorite blanket is the biggest most snuggliest blankets.
Meet the teacher went smoothly and we discovered that this year Winston switches classes for different subjects. He has a homeroom teacher who also teaches the arts and then he heads across the hall for maths and sciences. There were some familiar faces in his class as well as some new ones too - the result of being at the same school for the 4th year and having 11 third grade classes!
Like a pro, Winston promised to keep an eye out for Truman as well as his cousin who is in First grade this year. He showed no signs of first day jitters and was all abuzz when I picked him up at the end of the day!
Winston's Interviews
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