Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Inspiration: Graduation Dinner!

Y'all.  Benjamin and his classmates graduate in less than 2 weeks from Ortho Residency!  I can hardly believe it as I type it.  Where have the past 26 months gone?!  I am so proud of Benjamin and his class, my skin can hardly contain me!

Benjamin assumed responsibilities for planning graduation this year and I am super stoked about it!  If you follow me on Instagram, you may have already seen the giant toothbrushes that are a brilliant gold.  Our theme for this Grand-uation is "Glamorous Teeth!"  I mean, these seven people are going into the business of enhancing and creating beautiful smiles, so why not give them a beautiful graduation dinner!  

UT Ortho Grad

The decor will be classy with splashes of color to compliment the UT orange, along with black, white and gold.  Dental themed accents will be sprinkled throughout the room and yes, a few chalkboard items may make an appearance.  I'll be looking forward to sharing the final turnout of the event in weeks to come!

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