Saturday, August 31, 2013

Reflections of Thankfulness: August

It's amazing how fast time flies.  I have found that taking this time out to reflect on the blessings that I have received overwhelms my heart and blesses my soul.

1.  Weekends with Hubby, Winston and Lubaby
2.  UT Houston Orthodontics residency
3.  The celebration of Benjamin's graduation from UT Ortho (!)
4.  Lulu's improvement
5.  Winston kisses
6.  First steps
7.  The fulfillment of God's promises
8.  Dinner dates with Mom
9.  Audrey Moon and her awesome flower skills
10. Luke and Kala Bailey
11. Everyone who helped prepare graduation
12. Time at the zoo with grandparents
13. Warm evenings with cool breezes
14. Blow up pools
15. Siblings who give up their weekends to celebrate graduation with us
16. The celebrating in Brooklyn Laurali
17. Holding hands with my love
18. The joy of drinking water out of a cup
19. My Well Technology team members
20. PF Chang's frozen meals
21. Mum-mums
22. Bathtime with Bug 
23. Swinging 
24. Family nap times
25. Delicious food with friends
26. Tiny Scope bottles and the fun they bring
27. Discovering new stores
28. Biblical encouragement
29. Benjamin
30. A new ergonomic mouse
31. The splendor of my God

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