Monday, March 3, 2014

App-solutely Fantastic: Cartwheel by Target

In this segment, Benjamin and I would like to share with you apps that save you money, keep your organized, or are just plain fun to have!
First up: Cartwheel by Target.
By a fluke, I came across the web-version of Cartwheel a few weeks ago and was intrigued by it.  Then two weeks ago, at the suggestion of a Target employee Benjamin downloaded the app and was able to save an additional $50 on a TV that was already on sale!  The next shopping trip I had at Target, I was able to save $12 and the next time an additional $14!  On top of my coupons, on top of my 5% on the Target card!  I love the Cartwheel app!
When you log into the Cartwheel app, this is the front screen.  You get a bar code and it keeps track of how much money you have saved!  Starting out, you get 10 spots that you can add coupons into.  

When you go to the Main Menu, there are different options to find the coupons on the Cartwheel.  You can search through all of the offers.

They are listed out by categories.  Or by Trending, New, or Expiring.  Or you can use the Scan feature.  The last time I was in Target, I scanned every item in my basket (looking like a crazy person in the aisles) and ended up finding extra savings I hadn't considered!  Once you have found a coupon you'd like to use, simple save it to your Cartwheel by clicking on the face of the item and pressing "add."

The more that you use your Cartwheel app, the more spots you get for coupons!  When checking out, simply tell the cashier that you have a Cartwheel and present your phone to be scanned.  Cha-Ching!  As a note, many of the deals have a limited number of scans so make sure you use it often as you might find that offers you have saved may be expired.

If you are a Target frequenter, I highly suggest that you download this app today and enjoy extra savings!  The app is free for download in the iTunes store.  

Happy Savings!

1 comment :

  1. THANK YOU for explaining Cartwheel! I've seen the app and even downloaded it before, but never took the time to learn. I'll make sure to use it on my weekly Target trips :)


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