If you have read our blog over any period of time, you know that I am huge fan of hand crafts. So it should be no surprise that this hand painting has got to be my favorite of all time!

Using a 16 x 20 canvas from Michael's and an array of Martha Stewart paints, our family Christmas Tree was created! For the branches we used Benjamin's hands first, mine second and Winston's for the top section. Lulu's paw is our star! She was a trooper and very patient while we rolled paint on her paw and cleaned her up. The canvas was looking a little bland and it needed more pizzaz, so using two different sizes of sponge circles, Winston went to town adding color and sparkle!
I foresee this being one of the decorations I look forward to unpacking each Christmas season! It's not everyday that all four of us get to create art and leave our mark together. A life long treasure!
Here is a list of the Martha Stewart paint colors that we used:
Seaweed, Green Curry, Granny Smith, Pollen {All Satin}
Glitter Lemon Drop
Metallic Gold
Satin Chipotle
What is your favorite handmade Christmas decoration?
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