Monday, June 15, 2015

Berry Picking at Moorhead's Blueberry Farm

I put berry picking as an item on our summer bucket list because it seemed like an activity that Winston would really get into and enjoy.  After doing a little web search, I came across Moorhead's Blueberry Farm.  It was the closest pick your own place to where we live and open on the weekends.  The weather was calling for rain {and it had rained that morning} but we were all set for any situation as we packed our wellies to come along!

The farm itself is set waaaaay back off the main road.  As we were driving in the middle of what seemed like dirt and sand mounds we kept seeing car after car coming the opposite direction.  We were pleasantly surprised to see how busy it was when we pulled into the parking lot.  Moorhead's has quite a wonderful, organized operation!  Upon arrival you receive a bucket {small or large} and are told which field has the best berries for picking.  However you are allowed to go anywhere you please!  

Bucket in hand, we traipsed off to follow the yellow flags to where the berry picking was best for that day!

Despite there being a good many people there, we found a row that was empty and ripe for the picking.  Winston was adorable in his enthusiasm for finding and picking the little blue berries.  
"Oh, they are so cute!" and "These are so shiny!" he would exclaim.
"Look, Mommy!  There are more blueberries!!  Don't get them Mommy.  I pick them."
"Look Mommy!  Here some for you to pick."
"Over here Daddy!  I found them!"
And our all time favorite one of the day:
"These are just perfect for my treasure chest!!"
Winston had a great eye for finding the blueberries.  And because we have been watching a heap-ton of Jake the Pirate lately, he was full into pretending we were on a treasure hunt!
This is Winston's concentration face.  I am in love with this face.  When he is extremely focused on the task at hand, this is the face he gets.  Winston was very careful to only pick the ripe berries and some how managed not to squish a single one!  He has fierce concentration and gently hands, two things I'm proud to say he gets from his Daddy.
Speaking of, aren't they just the cutest?  

About halfway through our time out picking, it started to drizzle.  We really didn't mind because to us, getting a little sprinkled was better than sweating in 100 degree Texas weather!  After forty-five minutes or so of picking, our tummies were rumbling so we took that as a sign to head to the car.
{Caught mid "Blueberries!"}

Once back at the front, Winston proudly handed his bucket to the man working the counter.  They dumped his berries into a bag and weighted them.  The cost of berries at Moorhead's is $2.50/lb.  They accept cash and checks only.  We happily went on our way with a little over 1.5 pounds of blueberries!

We had a wonderful time together enjoying the great outdoors and a fun activity not far from home.  Winston had such a good time, I guarantee that we will be going back!  
If you are planning a visit to Moorhead's here are a few things I suggest to bring along:
  • Cash
  • Cooler {to keep your berries fresh on the ride home}
  • Wellies {if it has rained or going to rain}
  • Wagon {There were quite a few families with multiple kids who brought a wagon to wheel the kiddos and their buckets around in}
  • Water & snacks
  • Camera
  • Bug spray
Now, does anyone have any great recipes that call for blueberries?!  :)


  1. That is on my bucket list! You truly have the cutest berry picker. Thanks for posting. Shared.

  2. This is such a great activity for kids. It's fun for them and developmentally useful.
    My daughter is 2, but we're already encouraging her to do some berry picking. We have all kinds of berries at my parents garden.
    Seems like you all had a great time there:)

  3. Sounds like a great day out!! My little one loves berry picking. Love the boots btw - super cute!

  4. I'm actually supposed to go blueberry picking this week with my sister. Good call on the bug spray!

  5. Super cute picks! We love going to pick your own farms. So much fun!

  6. I absolutely love this post. What a fun activity with the family. Plus it gives us fun ideas when we are down that way!

  7. Oh what fun! The pictures came out great!! And blueberries are my favorite. I wish we had something like this around here. I'm going to be on the search!


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