Next to "Mommy, I love you!" and "Mommy, will you play with me?" my one of favorite things that Winston says is "Mommy, let's make a craft!" It can be something as simple as cutting paper and gluing it down to making a sticker creation to something that has been pre-planned.
This week we made corn on the cobs with popped corn!
For this craft you will need:
Popped corn {We used kettle corn because was the less buttery option in our pantry!}
Yellow construction paper
Green construction paper
As you can see, I did not use any certain template for the corn and leaves. One thing that doing crafts with Winston has taught me is that everything doesn't have to be perfect, just fun! Once the leaves were glued onto the yellow blobs, they looked more corn like!
This was the perfect craft to do around snack time! We would say, "One to eat and one to glue! One for me and one for you!"
If you use Elmer's glue, note that it does take a good sized blob to get the popcorn to stick. In order to make the popcorn last a little longer, I suggest spraying it with a clear coating. Once the corn on the cobs dried, I glued popsicle sticks to the back and put them in a vase as a decoration!
Happy Crafting!
I have to ask, what do you do with all these cute crafts when you are done with them? I can't imagine you have space in your house to hang them all, but throwing them away seems so cruel too, haha.