Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Super Easy French Toast

I love French Toast.  It is one of my favorite things to order when we go out for breakfast.  When Mom and I were on vacation in PEI, I ate french toast every morning and was in heaven!  For some reason I had it in my head that it was difficult and time consuming to make.  I'm not sure why because I'm fairly certain my mom used to make it for us growing up.  ðŸ˜‚  I remembered her using Pepperidge Farm Swirl bread once and then it was on!

One of our favorite ways to eat breakfast is for dinner and this quite certainly takes about 10 minutes to whip up.  My boys eat at least two pieces without me having to coax them to do so because they love it so much!  

Pepperidge Farm Swirl Bread {They have a variety of flavors!  We have tried Cinnamon and Brown Sugar Cinnamon, both are tasty!}
3 eggs
3/4 cup of milk
1.5 teaspoons of vanilla

There are about 12-14 pieces of bread in the package.  The recipe above is for using all of the bread.  If you make 8 slices, use 2 eggs, 1/2 cup of milk and 1 teaspoon of vanilla. 
Heat up your griddle or pan.  Mix together the eggs, milk and vanilla.  Then dip the bread into the mixture.  I use a fork and dip both sides into the mixture.  I do let the excess drip off before laying it on the griddle.  
Leave on the griddle until brown, flip it and do the other side!  The aroma of fresh and delicious french toast should be making your tastebuds water right about now.

Once done, garnish with your favorite syrup, some powdered sugar and fresh strawberries!  We always have bacon because bacon!  ðŸ˜‚ #everythingsbetterwithbacon  Not only does this make a deliciously easy breakfast or dinner, this would be great for a gathering of friends with a "Make Your Own French Toast" bar with assorted breads, syrups and fruit!
I'd love to know if you make this easy and tasty meal - drop me a line when you do!  Man, now I'm hungry for French Toast... I know what I'm having for lunch! 😂


  1. I love French toast! It's so easy and quick and yummy!

    my blog had a facelift - www.thedecemberdame.com

  2. French toast is my absolute fav too. every time we go out for breakfast this is my go to because i had the same thought that it would be hard, I will have to try this sometime soon now.


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