Saturday, January 4, 2014

2013: A Year in Review

2013 has been the most challenging year to date!  I became a full-time working mom, Benjamin finished residency and joined a practice, we built a house, moved, traveled, and spent any extra time in our waking hours to be with Winston!  While most evenings we were both tired from the day, Benjamin and I feel that this year was also quite rewarding.  We have seen Winston's personality develop into such a sweet nature, he has sprouted 12 teeth in his head, he picks up on things super quickly and is lovable towards us and Lulu.  He is a champ eater and sleeper, loves running around and has mastered the stairs.  Winston has done very well at school and I love having artwork to pin on the fridge.  He is the loudest person in the house and my favorite little cuddler in the evenings.  He is our joy.  And while being a parent is an adjustment, he is all worth it!

I haven't been as good at keeping up with blogging as I would like, but for the reasons above, I'm okay with that!  Here is a quick glance at our 2013.
I went back to work.  All free time was spent soaking up as much time as possible with WAC.  We went to the Monster Truck Rally.
Benjamin defended his thesis and did a fabulous job and (proud wifey moment) his work is published in the December issue of the ADOJO!  Winston visited family in Pennsylvania.
I turned 30!  Mom and I went to a Pentatonix concert.  We celebrated Winston's first Easter.
April was a big month for us as we took a 6 month old Winston to Aberdeen, Scotland.  He did fantastically through every leg of the journey.  It was truly a memorable trip!  This was also the month that we found our lot and made the decision to build a home!
Benjamin and I traveled to Philly for a mini-vacation for the AAO.  We attended Lego Kids Day.  Winston had his first swim!
We went to San Antonio for the AP Westfall conference.  Winston was in full on crawl mode and we had teeth making their appearance.  We had visitors from PA.  Winston ate at Manuel's and made a trip to Galveston.
July was a difficult month for us.  The photo above holds even more meaning because in July Lulu lost the use of her back legs and underwent major back surgery.  Although there was a chance we could have lost her, she is back to full strength!  Most of July was spent at home playing with Winston and caring for Lubaby.  Oh yeah...and we celebrated 6 years of marriage at the zoo!
We spent a lot of time in the pool.  Winston started walking.  Benjamin graduated from residency!  Zoo visits and discovered a love of Baskin Robbins chocolate ice-cream!
We said "Good-bye!" to Pearland and headed North to Spring!  We had Winston's dedication at Ecclesia.  
In October, our baby turned one!!  It was amazing to look back and see how fast time went!  We celebrated Benjamin's birthday.  Got more settled into the house.  Played outside and was a Bug for Halloween!
Benjamin and I took a quick trip to San Diego.  When we traveled to Kittanning to see family and celebrate the holiday, Winston played in snow for the first time!  We celebrated Winston's 2nd Thanksgiving (no roasters this time!) and started settling into our daily routines in our new home.
December was a busy month with hosting a baby shower for our dear friends, celebrating Christmas, fighting off sickness, and fitting in as much snuggling by the fire as possible!  Benjamin and I had a fancy night out was to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.  We decorated a huge gingerbread person.
We are thankful for every day we had together in 2013 and all of the joys and tears it brought and we  eagerly look forward to 2014 and to seeing what it has in store for us!

1 comment:

  1. A lovely family and the most gorgeous boy! Thank you for sharing and I'm glad we have the opportunity to work together.


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