Saturday, January 4, 2014

2014: New and Clean

 Here it is a new year.  A fresh start.  A clean slate.  A new beginning.  A chance to start anew.  
Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10
What does that mean for our family?  A year of finishing making the house our special place to call home.  A year of soaking up all of the small moments with our Winston.  A year of learning new things.  A year of joining a church and developing new relationships.  A year of continued mystery to exactly what each day will hold!
The new year means brand new opportunities to experience pure joy and the fulness of God.  One of my personal goals is to actually read Jesus Calling each day this year.  Last year our family was quite the hermit family despite being busy with things going on.  We're ready to ease ourselves back in to wherever God would plant us.

Sure, there are books I will want to read and trips that we'll take.  There are new recipes I'd like to try and more pinterest crafts than I'll have actual time to do.  There will be shopping to be done and zoo visits to be had.  There will be time spent with friends and family.  But above all I want to keep in mind this year to continually enjoy the life that I have been blessed with from all of the big events to the quiet tiny moments.  It was shocking how fast last year went and I can only imagine this year will do the same.  
I am looking forward to seeing how Winston will grow and develop.  What will his curiosity get him into?  What books and toys will he start gravitating towards as favorites?  Will he continue to love people as freely and uninhibited as he does today?  I pray that he does.  I pray that God continues to watch over him when I cannot.  I love that his true first word is "cracker" and cannot wait until he can string together sentences...  He's such a comical kid already, I can't wait to see what he has to say!  He loves his Daddy and enjoys going on Man-trips to hardware store and lunching at Chick-fil-a.  He is mesmerized by his fishies and adores his Lulu.  He and I love to dance and cuddle together, plus he is a really, really good shopper!

Benjamin will reach a one year mark at his job being a real orthodontist this year!  It's been so rewarding to watch him come home feeling fulfilled by the career he has been blessed with.  I pray that he continues to find favor with his boss, staff and the community that he services.  I also pray that he keeps all 10 of his fingers as he furthers his love for and skill of woodworking on the weekends!

Lulu has done so well with Winston being mobile and learning how to pet her!  She is such a part of his routine as he gets her collar for her every morning and helps us feed her each night.  She is constantly near him when he plays...even if it's under a blanket with her nose peeping out!  I think it's because he's good to make sure she always has a Lulu-toy to play with.  We continue to be mindful of her activity levels as she tires out quickly - a side effect of her surgery and just getting older I guess!

As for me - well, I am really open as to what this year will hold for me.  I keep learning that the best way for me to handle this season of life we're in is to take one day at a time and set realistic goals for myself!  

From the bottom of my heart, I wish you and your families the ability to rejoice in whatever 2014 brings your way!

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