Sunday, January 25, 2015

An ordinary weekend in January

I don't know about you but I love a weekend when we don't have anything scheduled.  An ordinary weekend.  Don't get me wrong.  We enjoy the weekends with adventures and fun to be had but there is something refreshing and good for the soul when we get to be at home together.

Friday Winston was under the weather so we were low key all day.  Our normal evening involves us all eating together at the table.  We are teaching Winston how to answer questions when he is asked and then in turn, ask the person about their day.  It's fun to see what Winston tells Benjamin about his day.  Sometimes it is what he ate that day and sometimes it is about the crafts he made.  Growing up my parents made it a priority for all of us to eat dinner together at the table.  It still is one of my favorite things - to gather everyone around the table to talk about just whatever.  Eating at the table has been something that Benjamin and I have done since we dated.  It's good to be able to look at each other and talk about the day.  When we were first married he had loads of studying to do so eating together guaranteed we would have uninterrupted time with just the two of us.  It has been such an important part of our routine, Winston fit into it with no problems.  It is sweet to see and hear him bless our food and as his vocabulary grows, participate in the conversations!  
Winston tried for the first time {and LOVED} Sour Gummy Hearts.  Kid after my own heart!  I enjoyed lounging around the house in my new favorite comfy pants from J. Crew!

Benjamin finished up the window treatments for the play room upstairs.  Winston was a big helper passing him the tape measure.  It is amazing to me how window treatments always add that finishing touch that rooms need to make them feel homey.  

We normally try to eat at home a few times during the weekend.  We almost always have donuts on Saturday mornings.  Winston "wakes up" Benjamin and promptly tells him to "Get dressed for donuts, Daddy!"  On Saturday for dinner I tried a new recipe and Mom came over to eat with us since Dad was out of town.  The dish was quite yummy!!  

This Sunday Benjamin and I volunteered in the Children's ministry.  He was with the 4 year olds and I was with the threes.  We joined them in their Elevate church and were able to Winston participate in worship and listening to the Bible story.  
After church we grubbed down on Wing Stop.  Our family of three can split the 10 piece chicken strips.  It's right at $20 and is a good option to break up the normal routine of places we eat!  Once home, Winston crashed for a good nap allowing Benjamin and I some time to piddle around on this and that.  Him outside in the garage enjoying the beautiful day, me with open windows in our bedroom.  

When Winston woke up, we started playing with trains and blocks.  Then a break to eat some gummies and finish up our jellyfish craft!  
He got a kick out of smashing up the tissue paper to stuff the jellyfish.  We used a paper bag, Crayola paints, glitter pens, googly eyes, tissue paper and string.  We both think he turned out pretty cute!    
The rest of the evening will be normal routine for us as we prepare for the new week.  I am thankful for this weekend and the time we have had together.  It was an ordinary weekend.  Nothing special.  Nothing outrageous or crazy.  ...Well, maybe a dash of crazy.  :)  A weekend that I am sure we will have more like in the future.  And I am happy about that!


  1. What cute crafts! Can't wait to make things like that with my littles when they're a little bit older.

    1. Thank you! It's so much fun to watch them be creative!


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