Monday, January 26, 2015

Meal Planning in Reverse.3

Pei Wei Chicken Fried Rice
{Winston and I visited Benjamin at work and headed to grab fried rice at WAC's request!}

Shepherd's Mac & Cheese with rolls
{Y'all.  I got The Mac + Cheese Cookbook for Christmas and it's awesome!  I highly recommend it!  In fact, I like it so much I'm giving two copies away!  Click here for the deets!}

Trader Joe's Mini Chicken Pot Pies, broccoli and rolls
{If you have a TJ's nearby, you have to try these delicious morsels!  There are 12 in a box and they are great for a lighter dinner or as appetizers for a party.}

The Boys: Pancakes
Me: Tamales

The Golden Arches

Chicken Alfredo Ravioli Bake, broccoli, garlic bread
{This meal got thumbs up by both Benjamin and my Mom as being a tasty dish!  I did cut the amount of alfredo sauce used by 1 cup as I prefer a ton of sauce.  I'd think it was the perfect amount even if you did like sauce.  Also, I sprinkled some mozzarella cheese on the top before putting it in the oven.}


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